Flathead Audubon Society



The Flathead Audubon Society is a local chapter of the National Audubon Society:

  • Our Mission is to conserve birds, wildlife habitat, and ecosystem diversity.
  • We promote awareness and appreciation of the natural world through educational activities and advocacy programs.
  • We work with diverse groups and agencies to achieve sound decisions on natural resource issues.
  • While focusing our efforts in northwest Montana, we believe in the protection of the Earth and all of its inhabitants.


P.O. Box 9173, Kalispell, MT 59904



Employees Number:

About 12

Annual Events Number:

About 30

Annual Revenue:

About 63,000 USD

Donation Spent:

About 45,000 USD: about 27,000 in professional fees and other payment to independent contractors, about 13,000 in other expenses.