Green Mountain Conservation Group



The Green Mountain Conservation Group (GMCG) is a community-based, charitable organization dedicated to the protection and conservation of natural resources in the Ossipee Watershed in central Carroll County including the towns of Eaton, Effingham, Freedom, Madison, Ossipee, Sandwich, and Tamworth. Founded in 1997, GMCG is a networking and referral resource for area residents concerned about land use issues in their communities. It encourages individual and small group activism based on common sense and science based approaches to resolving problems.


236 Huntress Bridge Rd. Effingham, NH 03882


New Hampshire

Employees Number:

About 9

Annual Events Number:

About 5

Annual Revenue:

About 291,000 USD

Donation Spent:

About 241,000 USD: about 184,000 in Programs, 35,000 USD in Administration and 22,000 USD in Fundraising.