Mission: Wolf
Mission: Wolf is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational wolf sanctuary in the remote Colorado mountains. We focus on sustainability, operate on solar power, and build with recycled materials. Our community of volunteers from around the world invites you to visit us. We connect people with nature using hands-on experiential education. Through volunteer internships and our education programs, we inspire individuals to become stewards of the earth. While providing a home for rescued wolves and horses, we create opportunities for growth through community service and personal interactions with animals. We value education, sustainability, and improving relationships between people, animals, and the world around them.
Employees Number:
About 8
Annual Events Number:
About 10
Annual Revenue:
About 472,000 USD
Donation Spent:
About 605,000 USD: about 156,000 USD in salaries, other compensation, employer benefits, and about 449,000 USD in other expenses.