Utility Types

Utility Types EnvironmentalThe Utility Types refers to a category of companies that provide basic amenities, such as water, sewage services, electricity, dams, and natural gas. It is a large sector, and an important part of the U.S. economy, with a market capitalization of over $1.5 trillion (as of March 2021).

Although utilities are private, for-profit companies, they are part of the public service landscape—providing as they do such staples for daily living—and are therefore heavily regulated.
Source: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/u/utilities_sector.asp

The movement towards “clean” energy, along with competition-enhancing legislation, initiatives, and investments in renewable energy resources, has some analysts forecasting strong growth for the utilities industry in the 2020s.

A renewable energy facility refers to an electric generation unit or other facility or installation that produces electric energy using a Renewable Energy Source.

The many types of Utility Types available include large companies that offer multiple services such as electricity and natural gas. Other Utility Types might specialize in just one type of service, such as water. Some Utility Types rely on clean and renewable energy sources like wind turbines and solar panels to produce electricity.

The term:

The term Utility Types encompasses a range of energy resources. These include wind, solar, and geothermal resources. Additionally, it covers energy generated from biomass derived from non-toxic plant matter, such as agricultural crops or their byproducts, urban wood waste, mill residue, slash, or brush. It also includes energy produced from animal wastes and by-products, as well as methane generated at landfills or as a by-product of wastewater treatment residuals. Furthermore, Utility Types incorporate new hydroelectricity facilities with a nameplate rating of ten (10) megawatts or less, as well as existing hydroelectricity plants with a nameplate rating of thirty (30) megawatts or less. Fuel cells that utilize hydrogen derived from renewable energy resources are also part of this category. Lastly, Utility Types encompass recycled energy produced by generation units with a nameplate capacity of not more than fifteen (15) megawatts. These units convert otherwise lost energy from the heat emitted by exhaust stacks or pipes into electricity, without the need for additional fossil fuel combustion. The definition of eligible renewable energy resources is outlined in §40-2-124(1)(a), C.R.S., subject to any amendments that may occur over time. Source https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/energy-utilities




